Sunday, May 22, 2011

Formal Study: Fabric One

Formal Study

Used Fabric from clothes that I had gotten as gifts that I never wear.

Made an abstract piece using four sets of information.

The piece is Twelve in. by Eighteen in.

The actual composition was an arbitrary decision. I just wanted to get started on something. So I used the measurements, twelve by eighteen, to help decide. Since the piece used old clothing I decided my data points would be when I had gotten clothing in the past. So for twelve, which twelve months of the year do I get clothing and twelve zodiac signs of people who give me clothing. For Eighteen, on both sides it is my age ascending from the bottom and on the left is at what ages I bought clothing for myself and on the right is at what ages I received clothing from others.

The top of the piece was the months, the bottom the zodiacs, the left was me buying clothing for myself and the right was others buying for me. Then I connected the points as directly as I could (so things across from each other) and then by random decisions. (for instance one diagonal from the upper left goes to the lower right because it is my brother's zodiac and he is eighteen, so connecting them made some sense.)

Eventually my outline looked like this:

Then I found some clothes and I cut them up. I needed a base to work on and glued and pressed a few pieces of cardboard together. I decided since it was clothing that I would sew the fabric into the cardboard. Then after some colourful decisions I ended up with my piece.

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