Monday, October 31, 2011

Self Portrait: October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat? All Hallow's Eve? One thing's for sure, naked in a kimono.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Self Portrait: October 26, 2011

Such a cute puppy face. I think I sympathize with the character, the dog, in this picture. I feel like the character here, like I saw this picture and felt like it was me. Something about the way it was drawn or the expression reminded me of myself. I also find other people that I know in pictures but they probably wouldn't appreciate being referenced to furry porn.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Self Portrait: October 10, 2011

Okay so colours... Yeah... look I'm naked. Wanted to do a lot of stuff and got bored so I decided to 'camo' my naked self in some colours, some sexy colours. There isn't actually a lot to this one, I wanted to make it but not to explore anything really new. (In a completely subjective sense of new)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Self Portrait Project.

My current senior advisors have gotten me on this kick of trying to isolate and explain what I do artistically. The self portraits I am doing started mearly as a project to keep myself busy and my skills sharp. By using myself as a subject and a reference I always have to ability to create something without almost any excuse. As it has progressed I have started to get bored with certain things, like head on portraiture. I have started to deviate in different directions and started using different materials to keep myself interested in the same subject. I feel like they started as an excersize. Just simple sketches. The more I do them however the more I am beginning to love them. I becoming more interested in portraiture and I am becoming more interested in process. I can't isolate anything in particular but for now I am interested in process and materials.

Self Portrait: October 7, 2011

In the process of turning this into a painting which will hopefully properly use a discordant colour pallette.

Self Portrait: October 6, 2011

Mashing images in photoshop. Utilizing Halos to place emphasis on the face. Had to darken the hair though to distinguish the figure from the halo. Also I elongated the figure to try to make it seem unearthly. I also wanted to darken things down with the dark blue spotches but the more I see them the tackier they look. But sometimes tacky is good. . . Also in this piece I didn't use almost any of my own drawn material.

Self Portrait: October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Self Portrait: October 4, 2011

I wanted to try to overwork an image. A lot of my work is overworked so now I'm trying to overwork them on purpose. The only way I could think to do this digitally (via photoshop) was to use as many pictures, scans, drawings, and effects as possible.