Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Self Portrait: January 31, 2012

I'm beginning to like the idea of larger and larger prints of these. I'm also starting to include more text into these and allowing to show through. I've always been kind of on the fence about words in my own work but am leaning towards enjoying their sort of visual dominance.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Self Portrait: January 30, 2012

I ran into a problem with this one where it ended up looking too much like me. I started using more pictures of myself to see what would happen the result felt largely boring as I continued to go through but the end product isn't so bad. I sort of end up covering up all of my previous work which I never like but this portrait has a more distinct face and still keeps the kind of veil of darkness that I like in these pieces.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Self Portrait: January 29, 2012

So I have magically found myself going back to my random angel routes with this image. What started out as a harmless circle has turned on me and now all I can see is all of what I used to do. It's really weird what you keep doing even without realizing it.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Self Portrait: January 28, 2012

Continuation from yesterday and ended with this picture. Warm colour and some digital noise to bring the image together however this one seems a bit more flat than the previous one. Also there doesn't seem to be a visual focus. The male face came out to be more clear than the other two faces.

Self Portrait: January 27, 2012

Started working on an image using the same methods as before with my previous photo images. This one however should end up with three views, one of a male face, one of a female face, and one androgynous face showing in profile to the others.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Self Portrait: January 26, 2012

This time I tried to save in progress pictures of what I was doing to show how I ended up where I did a little bit.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Self Portrait: January 25, 2012

Oh my god, what an amazing crayon like drawing.

Self Portrait: January 24, 2012

So I did another Photo collage. It's essentially the same process as some of my other images which is just layering a series of images in photoshop together. This time I tried to pin down a distinct form and face though unlike in my other portraits. Also this time I had a more controlled use of my colour. I think I need to preset the form more so that I can have a frame for the images so that the final product is more directed. I can't decide if I want to insist on control from the outset or let the figure emerge from the images more...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Portrait: January 23, 2012

I have a friend who always draws robots. She seems to signify with robots so I did a 'portrait' of her as her Jazz Hands Robot. I figured since the goal was a metallic appearance it would be fine to use the gradient tool in excess in combination with overlaying metal stock photos. The background is composed of digitally mashed images that may or may not be of significance to the person in question.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Self Portrait: January 22, 2012

I don't really care about the fluff very much and Thomas is the only one that will understand the words that are attached to these particular quote unquote port-traits. Don't worry Thomas if any of this still here I'll be sure to mention you more for you. Future Pain.

Self Portrait: January 21, 2012

It's a blog of course you should be as self indulgent as possible.

Self Portrait: January 20, 2012

I always want to sound poetic but I always say stuff like 'wing it.'

Self Portrait: January 19, 2012

I keep trying to draw my mouth in a non closed position but I always get sort of bored halfway through and just wing it.

Self Portrait: January 18, 2012

Write that then I guess...
I like this blue with these reds.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I have no idea what to say about this. The juxtaposition of words and images to misconstrue or make aware the meanings of all of them. (None of these photographs are mine except for two)

Self Portrait: January 11, 2012


Self Portrait: January 10, 2012

Especially when mashed together in the same image.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Self Portrait: January 6, 2012

I had an intense and immediate urge to represent myself as a male the second I finished pasting a female body to my... face... mostly eye. The idea of misrepresenting myself must bother me a bit. Either that or I'm too hung up on gender.

Self Portrait: January 5, 2012

Such a strained curve.

Self Portrait: January 4, 2012
