Sunday, November 27, 2011

Self Portrait: November 27, 2011

Self Portrait: November 26, 2011

Self Portrait: November 25, 2011

Self Portrait: November 24, 2011

Self Portrait: November 23, 2011

Self Portrait: November 22, 2011

Self Portrait: November 21, 2011

Self Portrait: November 20, 2011

Self Portrait: November 19, 2011

Self Portrait: November 18, 2011

Self Portrait: November 17, 2011

Self Portrait: November 16, 2011

Self Portrait: November 15, 2011

Self Portrait: November 14, 2011

Self Portrait: November 13, 2011

Self Portrait: November 12, 2011

Self Portrait: November 11, 2011

Self Portrait: November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Self Portrait: November 9, 2011

At first today I didn't think I would have a lot of time to make a self portrait so I did a quick one. Then I started working on another project and started to like the weird pose that it had. It looked so otherworldly for some reason without its environment. I decided to emphasize that weirdness with colour.

Self Portrait: November 8, 2011

I had a bloody nose and was feeling a little low energy so I let it bleed for a while. Then since it didn't seem like it was going to stop I grabbed my sketchbook and started smushing my face into it. After filling several pages with bloody face and lip prints I decided to flip through and pick two to be my self portrait for the day since they were essentially prints of my face.

Self Portrait: November 7, 2011

Self Portrait: November 6, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Self Portrait: November 4, 2011

I found these colour swaths when I went to Lowes. They're sets of colours that are suggested by certain paint companies. Paint colours in general always get weird and random names but when I saw these colour sets and their names I thought they were hilarious. It's like a set of blues and greens with individual names like; Jack Frost, Quaking Grass, and Guacamole. All together the name for these colours used was titled 'GRANDEUR' with a picture of a blue and green hillside. For some reason associating these colours with strange terms like 'GRANDEUR' although seemingly fitting in their own context, when they are removed even slightly I think they become pretty ridiculous.

Self Portrait: November 3, 2011