Monday, September 26, 2011

Self Portrait: September 26, 2011

I fused the drawing from the 24th with the drawing from the 25th. All of my work is still really flat.

Self Portrait: September 25, 2011

I'm trying to work on my proportions. Also working on using the bingo dabber without it being entirely obvious what it is.

Self Portrait: September 24, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Self Portrait: September 23, 2011

Digital compilation of previous drawings? Why yes, yes I will.

Self Portrait: September 22, 2011

Self Portrait: September 21, 2011

Self Portrait: September 20, 2011

Self Portrait: September 19, 2011

Self Portrait: September 18, 2011

Oh' Morphy.

Self Portrait: September 17, 2011

I wore a bear mask for Halloween weekend.

Self Portrait: September 16, 2011

Self Portrait: September 15, 2011

Self Portrait: September 14, 2011

This is a bottle of india ink and if you had seen most of paintings from my junior year of college (if they still existed) you would understand.

Self Portrait: September 13, 2011

Self Portrait: September 12, 2011


Self Portrait: September 11, 2011

Tried to use more of the sharpie this time. The heavy black outline has a nice comic book feel to it. I've been a little too focused on school work to really focus on these recently.

Self Portrait: September 10, 2011

Tried to paint in watercolour and got bored. Thankfully sharpies were still interesting at the time. Although I do like how the shirt came out.

Self Portrait: September 9, 2011

Sometimes I don't sleep.

Self Portrait: September 8, 2011

Had a painting and moive night with Maggie. For one I just tried to get a realistic painting of myself. I didn't fill in the one eye because my mirror and paints were there. For the second one I used a bingo dabber and watered down acrylic. I like dabbing.

Self Portrait: September 7, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Self Portrait: September 6, 2011

Was part of the drawing marathon for painting. One of the things I used was india ink and I squeezed the excess ink from my brush into my sketchbook. Then tried to draw myself as if I could see myself from the ceiling, walking. I was walking back and forth a lot between my space and the marathon for supplies, and I think I looked like this to all the spiders on the ceiling.

Self Portrait: September 5, 2011

Red Pen - fourteen seconds until bedtime.

Self Portrait: September 4, 2011

Woody and I went to a diner for dinner. They had placemats and crayons, 'nuff said. I was feeling a little playful and a little fancy for some reason. So I drew myself with a monicle and in a uniform of sorts. Woody drew something too, he drew the two of us on an island watching the sun set... or rise, not sure.

Self Portrait: September 3, 2011

This is a mann hanging. Red dabber residue, blood, whatever.

Self Portrait: September 2, 2011

I was at camp and the bingo dabber was leaking, so I drained it onto a page and used it to focus a drawing or two. I also felt that the bright red spots were too graphic for realism so I cartooned on them.

Self Portrait: September 1, 2011

I wanted to have my face not be the focus of the image. So I broke it up and tried to use it as a design element.

Self Portrait: August 31, 2011


Self Portrait: August 30, 2011

Red, blue and yellow? Awkward face? Drawing.

Self Portrait: August 29, 2011

Drew some lines with a highlighter and then drew my face behind it. Again I didn't have a lot of time to do anything crazy. But it's cute and blue.

Self Portrait: August 28, 2011

I decided to work in some watercolour for no good reason. I wanted a warm background on one side and a light nuetral on the other to make the face look cooler and colourful. The hair is far to bright though.

Self Portrait: August 27, 2011

Was talking with some friends and realized that it was late and that a self portrait had to be made. I've been trying to work with negative and positive space a little bit as well.

Self Portrait: August 26, 2011

Didn't have much time. Just moved into my suite and drew a picture.