Thursday, August 25, 2011

Self Portrait: August 25, 2011

These are a few of my paintings that I photographed and digitally smushed together. With traditional painting I have a problem with developing contrast, finding that pieces are either low contrast and middle tone or low contrast and very dark. For some reason when I put them into photoshop though I can fix that. Conceptually I know what I want to do but usually in the practice I fail a bit, since photoshop basically asks me what I want and then does it for me I get the result I'm looking for most of the time. Now if I can learn to talk to paint this semester I'll be very happy.

Self Portrait: August 24, 2011

Felt like scribbling and didn't have a mirror. About halfway through it started looking more like a lady, but still.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Self Portrait: August 23, 2011

Today I drew on my leg with some of my scrap markers. Most of my stuff was packed away; my leg makes a wonderful canvas. There isn't much in the way of technique here but I have to share something, for some reason drawing on flesh feels really nice. It's so receptive to pressure and whatnot. Very nice...

Self Portrait: August 22, 2011

The more of these that I do the more I tend to get bored with frontal portraits. With this one I dripped acrylic paint onto a plastic panel and then scratched it off and drew on it. I also feel really weird talking to no one... no one but myself... I feel kind of pretentious too. Maybe I need to be MORE PRETENTIOUS!

Self Portrait: August 21, 2011

Feel like drawing I did not. Draw a face into a styrofoam cup I did. Photograph it well I did not.

Portrait: August 20, 2011

I spent most of this day doing quick figure studies. I didn't really feel like intensely drawing, besides scribbling can be very refreshing.

Renaissance Men #2 - George Washington

Materials: Ink
What I had for dinner: Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce

I sort of started designing them after real people to...sort of.

Renaissance Men #1

Materials: Ink
What I had for dinner: Beet Salad with Balsamic Vinegar

The process of this was sort of that I just pressed the paper into the plate that until recently contained my dinner, creating all the areas of color. I then outlined these regions and ultimately began deviating for outline and composing without much reference to the stains. I learned that faces are actually really easy to make out of virtually any shape, especially if you go a little abstract with it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Self Portrait: August 19, 2011

I was told today that I should try writing about my pictures instead of just randomly posting them with no rhyme or reason. So... I'm going to work on that... sometime... in the future.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Self Portrait: August 1, 2011

Self Portrait: July 31, 2011

Self Portrait: July 30, 2011

Self Portrait: July 29, 2011

Self Portrait: July 28, 2011

Self Portrait: July 27, 2011

Self Portrait: July 26, 2011

Self Portrait: July 25, 2011

Self Portrait: July 24, 2011

Self Portrait: July 23, 2011

Self Portrait: July 22, 2011

Self Portrait: July 21, 2011

Self Portrait: July 20, 2011

Self Portrait: July 19, 2011